Schlagwort-Archive: al Qaeda

German Al-Qaida Terrorist Killed in Afghanistan

by Florian Flade

Bekkay Harrach („Abu Talha“) – Al-Qaida´s German Spokesman

„Since 1993 my greatest wish is to blow myself up for Allah“ – the masked man says in perfect German, holding a RPG-launcher in his hands. That´s the scene that shocked Germany in January 2009 when a German national of Moroccan origin appeared for the first time in an al-Qaida propaganda tape threatening terror attacks in Germany. The German al-Qaida man was known to security officials. He was born in Morocco in 1977, came to Germany with his family in 1981 and grew up in Bonn-Tannenbusch, a neighborhood of the former German capital many immigrants moved into and created large Muslim communities.

Bekkay Harrach known as „Abu Talha the German“ graduated from school, became a German citizen in 1997 and had close contacts to those attending notorious King Fahd-Acadamy, a Saudi education centre created for the children of Arabian diplomats in Bonn. Harrach´s religious ambitions grew. He gave lectures, invited young Muslims into his apartment for prayer and talks.

In 2002 Harrach enlisted at Koblenz University to study mathematical economics and laser technology. Due to bad results he was expelled from university two years later and started to work in a callshop in the Tannenbusch neighborhood. To friends and neigbours Harrach was known as a friendly guy, always caring about looking well-dressed. Regularly he attended so-called „Islam Seminars“, Salafi events in different places in Germany, where Harrach became a popular speaker.

While he was a student in Koblenz, Harrach travelled to Palestinian Westbank in summer 2003. Near Hebron he was injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers who arrested the German national. Thanks to German authorities, Harrach was extradited to Germany after a short time. His clothes and other belongings were bloodsoaken when he returned to Germany.
In 2004 he again went on Jihad-vacation, this time to Iraq where he came in contact with terror networks and possibly fought against coalition troops.

Upon his return to Germany, Harrach travelled to Syria. Security forces arrested the suspected Jihadi terrorists when he entered the country. Bekkay Harrach was held in Syrian custody for a few weeks till German authorities again negotiated his release. Later the Jihadi thanked the German government for their help in getting him out of Israeli and Syrian prison.

Shortly after Harrach returned from Syria, German intelligence tried to recruit him as an informant of the Islamist community. Harrach refused to work for the police. He wanted to join al-Qaida and move to the Afghan-Pakistani tribal region. Meanwhile he had married a German-Polish woman named Elisabeth who had converted to Islam. She never left home without being fully covered. Harrach´s wife became pregnant but had a miscarriage. The unborn son died. His name the couple had chosen was Talha. Harrach therefore called himself „Abu Talha“ since then.

Aleem Nasir, a convicted al-Qaida supporter, recruited Harrach for al-Qaida and sent him to Pakistan in 2007. Via Iran Harrach reached the Pakistani tribal area of Waziristan and rose quickly in the hierarchy of the terror netzwork. During this time he was in touch with his family in Bonn via e-mail and phone. His wife had given birth to a son, a boy named Hamza. Both, mother and child left Germany in May 2008 for Waziristan and joined with Bekkay Harrach in Waziristan.

One year later Bekkay Harrach threatened Germany with bloody al-Qaida terror. He appeared in a German-language As-Sahab video titled „Rettungspaket für Deutschland“ and talked about how Germans can safe themselves from terror by voting for a party that would withdraw the German military from Afghanistan.

In September of 2009, just before the Parliamentary Elections, Harrach was featured again in a propaganda time, this time unmasked, dressed in a tie and suite. Slowly and confident „Abu Talha the German“ talked about how the outcome of the coming elections would effect al-Qaida´s decision to attack Germany. A few days later al-Qaida´s As-Sahab Media released two more Harrach tapes which were produced some time ago and not directly related to the terror threats.

Now Bekkay Harrach, the German who threatened Germany, is dead. A German communique released by the „Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan“ (IMU) confirms the rumors of Harrach´s death in 2010. Mounir Chouka, another German Jihadi from the city of Bonn, tells in the document that „Abu Talha“ died fighting in Afghanistan. It is reported the German-Moroccan was killed when he led a group of twenty fighters of al-Qaida, Tehrik e-Taliban and IMU in an assault on the US-Military base Bagram.

„Our friend Bekkay from Bonn, alias Abu Talha, the fierceless preacher, that threatened the whole of Germany, died in this operation the martyr´s death“, the communique reads.“ A video of the assault on Bagram will soon be released by As-Sahab Media and IMU´s media wing. Further the documents states Bekkay Harrach is „another martyrs who has written German Jihadi-History in this region, a brother whom we call a role-model to all the scholars in Germany.“

Rumors about Harrach´s death circulated in September last year. German authorities investigated reports the German al-Qaida member died in a US drone strike in Afghanistan. This information was never confirmed, neither by German officials nor by al-Qaida.

„Asadullah the Chechen“ – Online Jihadi Arrested in the USA

by Florian Flade

It was Thursday, January 6th as two FBI agents approached a car in a parking lot of a local fast food restaurant in New Bethlehem, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State. They were looking for a 21 year-old man, who they found was sitting in the driver´s seat of the car. One of the agents opened the rear passenger door, identifying himself as a agent of the FBI. „We want to talk to you“, the FBI man told the young, brownish-red-bearded man in the car. At the same time the other agent opened the driver´s door, showing the wanted suspect there is no chance of escaping in this situation.

The man in the car started screaming at the FBI officers, putting one hand in his jacket, apparently searching for something. Immediately the agents thought the suspect was trying to reach a gun hidden in his jacket and struggled with him. The suspect „bit both agents and drew blood,“ the complaint filed last week, said, „They eventually brought him under control.“

When the FBI searched the jacket of the 21 year-old, they found a loaded 9mm gun. The safety was off and a bullet was in the chamber, meaning the handgun was ready to be fired.

The person – Emerson Begolly – that bit two FBI agents and probably even intended to shoot them, was initially wanted for spreading Jihadist propaganda on Islamic websites on the Internet. Begolly, whose residence is in Harrison (Pennsylvania) is now charged with assault against FBI agents, using a deadly weapon to harm the agents and possession of firearms while committing the assault.

Emerson Begolly once was a student at Penn State’s New Kensington campus but had left school and attended online courses that he later suspended. In 2009 he attended a Pro-Palestinian rally at the university and was described by the campus magazine as a „sophomore religion major“. Pictures on the Internet show the 21 year-old Muslim student speaking at the 2009 rally.

When Begolly appeared in front of a judge last week and was ordered to be jailed for at least one day. The court also revealed the Internet identity of the former Pennsylvania student Emerson Begolly – in the online world he was known as „Asadullah Shishani“.

That avatar name was used by an Online Jihadi for many years, a person that became quite a popular figure among the Jihadi extremist online community. „Asadullah Shishani“ posted video messages of al-Qaida leaders, spread documents, speeches and music files supporting Jihad and attacks against Western troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Amongst other forms of propaganda spreading, „Asadullah Shishani“ produced Nasheeds, songs about Jihad, living Jihadi fighters and martyrs, himself and posted them on the internet.

After the Jordanian double agent Khalil Humam al-Balawi alias „Abu Dujanah al-Khorasani“ killed a CIA team in a suicide bombing in Khost (Afghanistan) in December 2009, Emerson Begolly („Asadullah Shishani“) praised the bomber as a hero, dedicating a poem to al-Balawi.

„Our James Bond, who is he?
He is Abu Dujannah!
His motto: Let me die or live free!

Our James Bond, what is he like?
A roaring lion, a stinging bee,
Not a cowardly kike.

Our James Bond, what did he seek?
Not power or money,
But justice for the weak.“

Back in April 2010 another poem by Shishani appeared on the internet forums, highlighting the „Islamic State of Iraq“, the umbrella organization of al-Qaida.

„Like lions you hunted the kuffar and killed them, and like poachers they slaughtered you

But the lion cubs of Tawheed shall not remain silent, and the day of revenge is coming

So we gnash our teeth, hungry for vengeance, hungry for the flesh and blood of our enemies“

In Mid-December 2010, „Asadullah Shishani“ contributed a song in English to the Swedish-Iraqi Taimour Abdulwahhab al-Abdali, who failed to carry out a suicide bombing in Stockholm earlier that month.

„Grab my Gun and my Ammo
Strap my kamarband onto my chest
Get dressed up in my camo
Martyrdom is what I wanted best“

Emerson Begolly described himself as a Chechen native in the Jihadi internet forums. A picture shows him wearing Muslim woven cap in the colours of Chechnya. Other images raise doubts about the Muslim background of the Pennsylvania man. In one picture, Begolly is seen at a younger age, dressed in a Nazi uniform. Allegedly his father dressed him up in the German military uniform. According to reports from Pennsylvania, Begolly admitted of having a weapon and even owning a AK-47 Kalashnikov rifle.

Rarely are the big fish of the Online Jihad exposed, mainly because due to the fact that most of them are Arabic-speaking internet activists that live in Arab countries. With Begolly soon behind bars, one Western Online Jihadi is out of the game.

Rare Look At Drone in Taliban Propaganda Tape

by Florian Flade

A new video out of the Pakistani-Afghan tribal region gives a rare glimpse into the drone reality in Waziristan. The Taliban propaganda tape shows what looks like a downed drone aircraft, presented by two Taliban fighters as a trophy. Several unmanned aircrafts have been shot down in the Waziristan tribal area in the past years, some of them crashed without being hit by enemy fire.

In the latest footage released by the Tehrik e-Taliban´s media outlet the drone does not appear to be the MQ-1 Predator drone model (27ft / 8,2m in length) or the MQ-9 Reaper frequently used by the CIA to target Jihadi militants of the various factions present in the Pakistani Federal Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA). This drone, which was obviously damaged, is a rather small model, probably not even able to carry the deadly Hellfire missiles used by the US intelligence service to kill wanted terrorists.

Besides the steady presence of CIA drones in the skies over Waziristan, Pakistan´s military is operating the unmanned killer aircrafts in this region as well. Downed or crashed drones are rather expensive losses or US forces and due to the technical equipment on board of the Predators and Reapers, US forces are trying to recover lost drones or – if a rescue mission is not possible – try to destroy the wreckage.